PREVINT™ — The Interpersonal Violence Prevention Programme aims to raise awareness among adolescents and adults of contexts of violence in interpersonal relations. It uses a visual mediator divided into three spectra, with 10 levels each, designated as “Violentometer”, where the intensity of violence increases.
Be Careful
Be Careful Be CarefulOpen 1º
SpectrumBe careful, violence tends to escalate.
React ReactOpen 2º
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$Espectro in /home/burocrat/prevint.pt/website/buro-templates/partials/home/home-reaja.php on line 24
React, do not let yourself be destroyed.
Seek Help
Seek Help Seek HelpOpen 3º
SpectrumSeek professional help.
The use of Headphones
is recommended
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